Lawn Watering 101

Keep It Simple

Watering the lawn isn’t a complicated task, nor should it be made into one. From our experience most watering issues can be solved (or avoided) with little effort and can deliver a large impact on your turf. Keep reading and see why a lot of the every-day inconveniences can be eliminated or at least minimized with a few bits of information.

This post will cover 4 topics commonly highlighted in proper lawn irrigation practices:

  1. when to water
  2. how much water to apply
  3. accounting for rainfall amounts
  4. types of issues caused from over-watering

Apex Lawnco offers a variety of landscape services and solutions from mulching to weekly lawn mowing.

When To Water

Hose and sprinkler watering lawn

The best time to water your is during the early morning before the heat of the day. Watering earlier in the day has several advantages over other times:

  1. The water does not evaporate due to the sun like day-time watering.
  2. Less probable that harmful types of fungi will form compared to night-time watering.
  3. Sitting beads of water won’t burn your lawn like day-time watering.
  4. Less apt to be a wet inconvenience for anyone walking by.

How Much Water Is Needed

The answer to this question will vary depending on the area the lawn is growing in, however in Southern New Jersey a typical lawn will need 1-2″ of water a week. When using a sprinkler in combination with rainfall, remember to monitor how much water has fallen to avoid watering in excessive amounts with the sprinkler(s).
Making sure the lawn receives 1-2″ of water will provide satisfactory results without over-watering and causing pooling, run-off, bad mowing conditions, etc.
rain clouds above


What’s the big deal with a little extra water?

…”in Southern New Jersey a typical lawn will need 1-2″ of water a week.”

Too much watering can cause several different problems than can be avoided. Here are some of the issues you can avoid or eliminate from dealing with in the future:

  1. Tire ruts from lawn mowers due to over-saturated turf.
  2. Damaging fungi from ideal wet conditions.
  3. Water dependent grass- lawns that no longer can withstand a drought due to stunted root systems.
  4. Water pooling from rain (in some cases).
  5. Water run-off that can carry fertilizers and pesticides with it from the lawn to the sewers causing harmful effects to the surrounding environment.
  6. Wasting water and expensive chemical applications.

growing lawn and perennials

Top 3 Recap

If only three points could be taken away from this post, make sure to remember:

  • Water early in the morning.
  • Keep water amount to 1-2″ per week.
  • Account for how many inches of rain are forecasted for the week.

Hanging red flowers

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  • Or click here to find out more about our lawn care services.

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Trained, courteous and happy to help with any task, our crewman strive to deliver real solutions for all of your lawn and landscape needs.

employee installing sod

We specialize in residential landscape maintenance, let us take care of the hard work so you can get back to enjoying your weekend. Contact us today for a free quote.

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